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Then the Lord answered me and said: “write the vision And make it plain on tablets, That he may run who reads it.- Habakkuk 2:2 (NKJV)

vision draws on your history; look at yourself and trace what you have succeeded in, what you do effortlessly. Vision meets other people’s needs, it’s not just for you; a God- given vision goes for beyond what one person can accomplish; it includes and blesses others, if your vision doesn’t do that, it’s probably too small. Vision attracts resources, it attracts challenges and unites people. If your vision is a God- given vision then He will make a way for it, supplying everything you need for it. If after seeking God for a vision, you still don’t have one consider partnering with someone whose vision resonates within you.

Lord, connect me with the people and resources I need for my vision to become a reality.

Your vision will not die at inception; you will see it become a reality in Jesus name.

Study Habakkuk 2:2-4

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